Protecting the Forest: Building an early forest fire detector

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the development process of a cutting-edge early forest fire detection system, created in collaboration with the NGO Pyronear.

Our detectors communicate fire alerts to a database that is connected to a supervision platform for the fire department.

– Pyronear

Pyronear offers a holistic solution for managing fire risks. Central to its capabilities is an innovative early wildfire detection algorithm, seamlessly operated on a compact microcomputer. This core system is augmented by a network of high-resolution cameras strategically positioned at elevated vantage points, providing panoramic coverage of forested regions. Together, these components form a resilient and proactive strategy for wildfire prevention and management.

A computer vision system is integrated into the Pyronear setup, which is installed on antenna towers. These systems continuously monitor forests using cameras. When the computer vision system detects rising smoke from any camera feed, it generates an alert. This alert is then reviewed by the fire department, allowing them to take immediate action to address the fire.

System Overview Overview of the Pyronear system to monitor forests around the clock

Project Scope

Our collaboration focuses on improving the accuracy of their machine learning system for early forest fire detection. Our goal is to minimize false alarms, thereby increasing confidence among firefighters and enhancing the model’s precision. Additionally, we are implementing best engineering and MLOps practices to ensure long-term reliability and optimal performance.

Overview ML Model Overview of the embedded ML system

Our work concentrates on the software component responsible for analyzing input from the cameras.

Covered sites

Overview 360 Overview of the camera system that can cover 360 degrees angle

The cameras are configured to provide a full 360-degree coverage. Mounted on tall antennas, the system is capable of detecting fires from distances of 30 to 60 kilometers. Below is the Brison site, where four cameras work in unison to achieve complete 360-degree coverage.


Pyronear compiled its dataset by developing a custom web scraper, designed to collect videos of wildfires from a network of surveillance cameras. These videos were manually enhanced with bounding-box annotations to highlight areas of interest. The dataset was then filtered using a strategy aimed at improving both the quality and diversity of the images, resulting in a final set of 10,000 carefully selected frames.

At the heart of the data collection process is an automated scraping script that interfaces with the AlertWildfire API. This script retrieves images from each camera at regular intervals, capturing one image per minute as configured by AlertWildfire.

For a more detailed overview of the data collection process, refer to Pyronear’s published paper here.

Primary Sources

  • HPWREN: The High-Performance Wireless Research and Education Network (HPWREN), funded by the National Science Foundation, is a non-commercial, wide-area wireless network featuring Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) cameras. Serving Southern California, HPWREN supports network research and demonstrates its capabilities in wildfire detection.
  • ALERTWildfire: A consortium of universities across the western U.S. provides access to advanced PTZ fire cameras and tools, supporting firefighters and first responders in wildfire management. ALERTWildfire covers vast regions, including Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, and Nevada. Its website also offers public access to live camera feeds.

Derived Datasets

  • SmokeFrames: Developed by Schaetzen et al. (2020), this dataset contains nearly 50,000 images sourced from ALERTWildfire cameras. A subset, SmokeFrames-2.4k, was tailored to meet specific requirements, consisting of 2,410 images from 677 sequences, with an average of 3.6 images per sequence. It includes a significant number of false positives, which are vital for building a robust wildfire detection model.
  • Nemo: This dataset by Yazdi et al. (2022) comprises frames extracted from raw wildfire videos captured by ALERTWildfire’s PTZ cameras, covering various stages of fire and smoke progression.
  • Fuego: Created as part of the Fuego project (Govil et al., 2020), this dataset includes images manually selected and annotated from the HPWREN camera network based on historical fire records from Cal Fire. While the authors report 8,500 annotated images focusing on early fire stages, only 1,661 images are publicly available.
  • AiForMankind: Emerging from hackathons organized by the nonprofit AI For Mankind (2023), two training datasets were merged to create a large collection of annotated images for smoke detection and segmentation.
  • FIgLib: Proposed by Dewangan et al. (2022), the Fire Ignition Image Library (FIgLib) consists of 24,800 images of 315 different fires in Southern California, sourced from HPWREN. It serves as the official dataset for fire ignition studies.
  • Synthetic: This dataset was generated by overlaying computer-generated smoke onto various landscape images to create synthetic wildfire scenarios.

Data Modeling

Dealing with False positives

The Pyronear system must detect early-stage wildfires with high accuracy (achieving a high recall) while minimizing false positives. If the system generates too many false alarms, firefighters may begin to disregard its alerts. Therefore, finding the right balance between recall and precision is critical for Pyronear to establish trust among stakeholders and ensure its reliability in wildfire detection.

Evaluation Metrics


Precision measures how many of the predicted objects are correct. In object detection, it’s the percentage of detected objects (e.g., bounding boxes) that are true positives (i.e., correctly identified objects) out of all the objects the model predicted.

\[ \text{Precision} = \frac{\text{True Positives}}{\text{True Positives} + \text{False Positives}} \]
  • True Positives (TP): The objects correctly identified by the model (correct object, correct location).
  • False Positives (FP): The objects that the model predicted but were not actually there (incorrect or excess predictions).

A high precision means that most of the detected objects are correct, with few false positives.


Recall measures how many actual objects were detected by the model. It’s the percentage of true objects that the model successfully identified.

\[ \text{Recall} = \frac{\text{True Positives}}{\text{True Positives} + \text{False Negatives}} \]
  • False Negatives (FN): The objects that exist but the model missed (didn’t detect).

A high recall means that the model is good at detecting most of the objects, even if some of the detections may be incorrect (i.e., it might have some false positives).

F1 Score

The F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. It provides a balanced measure that takes both precision and recall into account. It’s particularly useful when you want to find a balance between the two metrics.

\[ \text{F1 Score} = 2 \times \frac{\text{Precision} \times \text{Recall}}{\text{Precision} + \text{Recall}} \]
  • A high F1 score indicates that the model has both high precision and high recall, meaning it correctly identifies most objects while minimizing false detections.

Example in Object Detection

In the context of object detection (e.g., detecting wildfires in camera footage):

  • Precision would measure how many of the detected fires are actual fires (and not false alarms).
  • Recall would measure how many of the actual fires in the footage were detected by the model.
  • The F1 score helps to evaluate the overall performance, balancing between catching all fires (high recall) and minimizing false alarms (high precision).

In an ideal scenario, the model would aim for both high precision and high recall to ensure timely and accurate wildfire detection.



We opted to utilize a pretrained YOLO model and fine-tune it for our specific object detection task. Renowned for its speed, accuracy, and user-friendly interface, YOLO stands out as an ideal solution for various tasks, including object detection, tracking, instance segmentation, image classification, and pose estimation.

YOLOv8 CV Tasks YOLO Computer Vision Tasks

To efficiently identify an optimal combination of hyperparameters, we opted for random hyperparameter search across 12 hyperparameters for the YOLO models. This approach allowed us to explore a wide range of potential configurations without the exhaustive computations required by grid search.

Below is the Python code that defines the hyperparameter search space:

space = {
    "model_type": np.array(["yolov8n", "yolov8s", "yolov8m"]),
    "epochs": np.linspace(50, 200, 20, dtype=int),
    "patience": np.linspace(10, 50, 10, dtype=int),
    "imgsz": np.array([320, 640, 1024], dtype=int),
    "batch": np.array([16, 32, 64]),
    "optimizer": np.array(
    # Learning rates
    "lr0": np.logspace(
    "lrf": np.logspace(
    # Data Augmentation
    "mixup": np.array([0, 0.2]),
    "close_mosaic": np.linspace(0, 35, 10, dtype=int),
    "degrees": np.linspace(0, 10, 10),
    "translate": np.linspace(0, 0.4, 10),

Random hyperparameter search is particularly useful when trying to find an effective combination of hyperparameters for a machine learning model because it offers a more efficient and often more effective alternative to traditional grid search. Hyperparameters are the settings of the model that must be tuned manually (e.g., learning rate, batch size, number of layers), and finding the right combination can have a significant impact on performance.

  • Explores More Space Efficiently: In random search, values for each hyperparameter are selected at random from a predefined range. This randomness allows the search to explore a wider variety of hyperparameter combinations. Since some hyperparameters are more sensitive than others, random search often finds better combinations faster by allocating more of the search effort to different regions of the space, rather than exhaustively testing every possible combination.

  • Avoids Redundancy: In grid search, hyperparameters are chosen from a fixed set of values for each parameter, creating a structured, exhaustive search. However, many of these points can be redundant, especially if certain hyperparameters have little influence on performance. Random search avoids this by covering a more diverse set of combinations, which can yield better results without testing every combination.

  • Faster and More Scalable: Random search is faster because it doesn’t attempt to search every single combination of hyperparameters. Instead, it samples hyperparameters randomly, allowing the search to be terminated early if a good result is found. This is especially useful when working with high-dimensional hyperparameter spaces, where grid search becomes exponentially more time-consuming as the number of hyperparameters increases.

  • Effective in High-Dimensional Spaces: Some hyperparameters may have a stronger influence on model performance than others. Random search increases the likelihood of stumbling upon good combinations in these more sensitive regions, especially in high-dimensional spaces. For example, one or two key hyperparameters may dominate the model’s performance, and random search is more likely to find the right values for these parameters without needing to explore the entire grid.

  • Method: Tests all possible combinations of a set of hyperparameter values defined in a grid.
  • Exploration: Systematic but potentially redundant. It evaluates every combination, even if the difference in performance between certain values is negligible.
  • Efficiency: Inefficient in large or high-dimensional search spaces because the number of combinations grows exponentially.
  • Use Case: Suitable for small search spaces where exhaustive exploration is feasible.
  • Method: Randomly selects combinations of hyperparameters from a defined range of possible values.
  • Exploration: More efficient because it covers the hyperparameter space more broadly without being constrained by the grid. It avoids the exhaustive search of every combination.
  • Efficiency: Faster and more scalable, especially for large and high-dimensional hyperparameter spaces.
  • Use Case: Particularly useful when only a few hyperparameters are expected to significantly impact the model’s performance. It’s preferred when computational resources are limited, or the search space is large.
Explained visually

Random hyperparameter search is useful because it’s faster, more efficient, and more scalable in exploring hyperparameter spaces, especially when only a few parameters are critical to performance. It avoids the exhaustive nature and redundancy of grid search, making it a preferred choice in many machine learning workflows.

Data Augmentation

To enhance the training set, we perform hyperparameter search on augmentation techniques such as rotation, translation, mixup, and mosaic. These augmentations help improve model robustness and performance.

Data Augmentation Data Augmentation: A combination of rotation, translation, mixup and mosaic


A total of 100 training runs were executed in parallel on a GPU cluster. Each run randomly sampled a parameter configuration from the previously defined hyperparameter space.

Below is the best-performing YOLOv8 model, evaluated on the holdout test set:

Training Results of the best YOLOv8 Model Training results of the best YOLOv8 model

Versions 9 and 10 of YOLO were also tested using a similar approach, but neither demonstrated better performance compared to version 8.


On the holdout test set, the Pyronear team evaluated the model using the metrics outlined above. This model significantly outperformed previous versions and has been deployed to the Pyronear systems as the new best model.

Precision Recall F1 Score
0.922 0.898 0.910

Here is a quantitative evaluation based on a random sample from the evaluation set.

Ground Truth Prediction
GT, batch1 Prediction, batch1


In addition to enhancing Pyronear’s early forest fire detection capabilities, the project integrated several MLOps practices. MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) merges machine learning, software engineering, and DevOps principles to optimize the development, deployment, and monitoring of ML models in production. It emphasizes automating and managing the entire lifecycle of ML models, ensuring their scalability, reliability, and continuous improvement in real-world scenarios.


The first crucial aspect of managing a data-intensive project is implementing a robust system for versioning and managing data.

DVC Logo DVC Logo

DVC (Data Version Control) is an open-source tool designed to manage and version control machine learning datasets and models, much like how Git handles code. It enables users to track changes in data and experiments, ensuring that data pipelines are reproducible and that every stage of the pipeline can be reliably recreated. By integrating data versioning with the code, DVC helps maintain consistency and reproducibility throughout the ML development lifecycle.

Library Code and Scripts

All code for data processing, training, and evaluation is organized into well-structured library files and scripts. Jupyter Notebooks are avoided at this stage to improve reproducibility, scalability, and maintainability, resulting in a more organized and efficient machine learning workflow.

Future development

The computer vision team at Pyronear is busy exploring ways to reduce false positives by leveraging temporal data. Often, low clouds can resemble early fire smoke in a single image frame, but analyzing a sequence of frames can make it easier to distinguish between them.

Additionally, the team is considering the development of models with varying hardware requirements. Due to limited network bandwidth, streaming all images or video feeds from the Pyronear system to a central server is not feasible. Implementing a smaller model with high recall on edge devices, alongside a larger, more precise model running on a server, could significantly enhance overall system performance. This approach, however, introduces added complexity in data synchronization in remote areas and server management.


This article details the technical implementations developed in collaboration with Pyronear. It covers the processes of dataset collection and curation, model training and evaluation, and the integration of MLOps practices, which established a solid foundation for future development. We are excited to see our contributions go live, with the system now actively detecting wildfires and helping to protect forests!

The computer vision model detects a forest fire in Fontainebleau from a distance of 35 kilometers in real time. Setting a new record for the Pyronear systems.