Tracking the Journey: How to Monitor Wild Salmon Migrations

In this blog post, we will dive into the successful development of a wild salmon monitoring system, currently deployed to 8 different sites in British Columbia.

We must take every step in our control now as climate-change related trends will make things more difficult for salmon populations in the years ahead. This demands urgency for Pacific salmon and for the 130+ species, including grizzlies, orcas and eagles, that depend on Pacific salmon.

– Pacific Salmon Foundation

The SalmonVision project is a collaborative effort involving the Pacific Salmon Foundation, the Wild Salmon Center, Aeria, and Simon Fraser University. Together, we are developing an advanced monitoring system that serves as a centralized hub for generating and collecting crucial data. This data is essential for effective management of salmon populations and actively engages stakeholders in conservation efforts.

Project Scope

Our collaboration aims to develop a comprehensive, deployable system for monitoring salmon migration at river sites. This system will record video clips of salmon as they return to their natal streams, automatically classify the species, and generate aggregate counts for the entire migration season.

The system is designed to be modular, allowing for easy expansion to additional river sites, thereby covering more migration routes. All recorded video clips will be accessible via a website, where users can also view model predictions. To ensure accuracy, agents will review a percentage of the video clips, validating the machine learning models and continuously expanding the dataset. This growing dataset will feed back into the AI training process, improving the system’s accuracy over time.

Underwater camera activated at Bear Creek River: Monitoring system now live

Overview of the SalmonVision Application

The SalmonVision application is designed to monitor salmon migration using an advanced system of underwater cameras and machine learning models. At each river site, multiple underwater cameras are strategically placed in fish corridors—passageways that allow salmon to swim back to their natal streams. These corridors are typically located at dams or fisheries and are essential for enabling fish migration.

The system is triggered by motion detectors, which activate the cameras to record short video clips whenever movement is detected. These videos are stored on large local hard drives. To ensure timely access to the data, a satellite connection is used to sync the recorded videos to the cloud multiple times per hour.

System Overview Gallery / System overview of the SalmonVision application

The system’s machine learning models, running on edge devices like Raspberry Pis, analyze the video footage in real time. An object detection model generates bounding boxes around each detected fish, and a bytetracking algorithm tracks individual fish as they move through the frame. This allows the system to count the fish as they travel from left to right or right to left within the video stream.

All collected data, including the video clips and ML model predictions, is synced to the cloud via satellite connections. Users can access this data through a web application, where they can review the video clips and verify the accuracy of the model’s predictions.

RPi 5 Gallery / Raspberry Pi 5 micro-controller

Deployment at sites

Some hardware is deployed to operate at each site location. A Raspberry Pi coordinates the system by making use of the motion detectors, the underwater cameras and the starlink connectors. It is the brain of the setup and it controls how the different hardware pieces function together.

Web Application

Rather than reinventing the wheel for displaying the predictions made by our computer vision models, we chose to leverage LabelStudio, an open-source data labeling platform. Since LabelStudio’s feature set closely aligns with our requirements, we opted to fork the code and customize it by adding the specific features needed for our project.


This diagram provides a high-level overview of the SalmonVision web application. We have chosen to host the platform on AWS, utilizing S3 buckets for cloud storage and RDS instances for database management.

Web application overview Gallery / Overview of the web application developed to centralize counts reports and video clips

DNS configuration is managed through AWS Route 53, mapping to the landing page and to our customized version of LabelStudio.

The web application is deployed using AWS Elastic Beanstalk with Docker containers. Each update to our code fork triggers the creation of a new Docker image, which Elastic Beanstalk then pulls and runs on an EC2 auto-scaling group.

To manage storage costs, we use AWS S3 inventory reports to track and summarize the storage usage for each site and camera. Given that a significant portion of our costs will be associated with storage, this helps us monitor and optimize our usage. Currently, terabytes of video data are stored in our S3 buckets.

All infrastructure is managed using CloudFormation to ensure scalable, controlled growth and adaptation over the long term, adhering to industry best practices.

Quick Start: Navigating the UI

In this section, we highlight key features of the web application designed to facilitate the review of predictions made by our computer vision models.

Upon visiting, users will see the login form. Access is restricted to onboarded organizations and users who have been granted credentials.

Login Form SalmonVision Login Form

After logging in, users are redirected to a dashboard displaying a list of projects, each corresponding to a different river site where the system is deployed.

Upon selecting a project, users are presented with a table showcasing 10% of all video clips along with their associated predictions. Users can review both the video clips and the predictions made by the ML model. The table view includes filtering options, allowing users to adjust the sample of video clips displayed.

Counts Table Table containing all predictions made by the ML model

Selecting a row from the table displays the video clip with bounding boxes overlaid, as generated by the computer vision model. Users can play the video to verify the accuracy of the model’s predictions. If discrepancies are found, users have the option to adjust the bounding boxes and regenerate the fish counts.

ML object detection Video clip overlaid with the ML model predictions

Data Modeling

A team of postdoctoral researchers and scientists from Simon Fraser University undertook the task of collecting a salmon dataset and training the machine learning models.

For more details on the research and methodology, please refer to the following research paper.

Exploratory Data Analysis

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is an approach to analyzing datasets to summarize their main characteristics, often employing visual methods. The primary goal of EDA is to uncover patterns, relationships, and anomalies in the data, which can then inform subsequent analysis or modeling tasks.

EDA typically involves the following steps:

  1. Data Collection: Gathering the relevant dataset(s) from various sources.
  2. Data Cleaning: Identifying and handling missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies in the data.
  3. Summary Statistics: Computing descriptive statistics such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, etc., to understand the central tendencies and variability of the data.
  4. Data Visualization: Creating visual representations of the data using plots, charts, histograms, scatter plots, etc., to explore patterns, distributions, correlations, and trends within the data.
  5. Exploratory Modeling: Building simple models or using statistical techniques to further understand relationships within the data.
  6. Hypothesis Testing: Formulating and testing hypotheses about the data to validate assumptions or gain insights.
  7. Iterative Analysis: Iteratively exploring the data, refining analysis techniques, and generating new hypotheses as insights emerge.

EDA is a crucial initial step in any data analysis or modeling project as it helps analysts gain a deeper understanding of the dataset, identify potential challenges or biases, and inform subsequent analytical decisions. It provides a foundation for more advanced analyses, such as predictive modeling, hypothesis testing, or machine learning, by guiding feature selection, model building, and evaluation strategies.

Class Imbalance

The research team has curated a dataset featuring 16 distinct species of fish found in the rivers of British Columbia. Below, you’ll find graphs illustrating the distribution of each species within the dataset.

Salmon Counts distribution

The fish dataset was gathered from four different rivers between 2019 and 2023. The plots below showcase the species distribution across these river sites.

Ground Truth Annotations four rivers

Class imbalance in computer vision can be a significant issue for machine learning models because it leads to biased learning. When one class dominates the dataset, the model tends to become biased towards that class, making it more likely to misclassify or overlook the minority classes. This can result in poor generalization, where the model performs well on the majority class but fails to accurately predict or detect instances of the minority classes, which may be critical in real-world applications. Balancing the classes or using techniques like oversampling, undersampling, or weighted loss functions is often necessary to mitigate this issue and improve model performance.

ML System

YOLO Overview

We opted to utilize a pretrained YOLOv8 model and fine-tune it for our specific object detection task. Renowned for its speed, accuracy, and user-friendly interface, YOLOv8 stands out as an ideal solution for various tasks, including object detection, tracking, instance segmentation, image classification, and pose estimation.

YOLOv8 CV Tasks YOLOv8 Computer Vision Tasks


Building on our fine-tuned YOLO object detection model, we implement ByteTrack, a powerful multi-object tracking algorithm.

ByteTrack is designed to handle occlusions and varying object sizes with greater accuracy. It extends the Simple Online and Realtime Tracking (SORT) method by tracking both high-confidence and low-confidence detections, ensuring consistent object tracking even when detections are temporarily lost due to occlusions or other challenges.

When integrated with YOLO, ByteTrack significantly improves the tracking of detected objects across video frames, providing more reliable and continuous monitoring of movement.

Fish Counts

By post-processing the output from the ByteTrack algorithm, we can automatically generate detailed reports on fish counts, enabling effective monitoring of fish migration across various river sites.

River Site Camera Reference Day Coho Bull Sockeye Rainbow Chinook
Bear Creak Jetson 0 2024-08-29 12 5 108 8 0
Bear Creak Jetson 1 2024-08-29 7 9 78 2 1
Koeye Jetson 0 2024-08-29 54 32 12 0 14
Koeye Jetson 1 2024-08-29 24 25 18 1 9

ML Pipeline

The machine learning pipeline developed for this project integrates YOLO object detection, ByteTrack, and post-processing techniques to accurately count fish in a given video stream.

ML Pipeline Gallery / Overview of the ML Pipeline

  1. Detection with YOLO: YOLO is employed to detect objects in each video frame, producing bounding boxes, class labels, and confidence scores for each detected fish.
  2. Tracking with ByteTrack: The YOLO detections (including bounding boxes, scores, and labels) are fed into ByteTrack. ByteTrack associates detections across frames, assigning unique IDs to each fish and maintaining these IDs as the fish move through the video, even in cases of temporary occlusion.
  3. Post-Processing: The tracking data from ByteTrack is then used to analyze fish trajectories, count the number of fish, and monitor their behavior over time.

Model performance

We evaluate the performance of our object detection model using a holdout test set. Below is the confusion matrix for the fine-tuned YOLOv8 object detector.

Confusion Matrix

Although the model isn’t perfect yet, it is effective for practical use. Our strategy involves continuously gathering more data as we deploy the systems at additional river sites and retraining our models with these expanded datasets to enhance accuracy. This approach creates a positive feedback loop, benefiting all users of the system.

Ground Truth Prediction
Ground Truth Predictions

The table above displays a random sample of images alongside the corresponding predictions made by the machine learning model.

Future development

At the current stage, our system can reliably collect and analyze video clips of fish swimming back to their natal streams using underwater cameras. To expand our coverage to more river sites, we are testing sonar technology, which will provide additional insights into migrating fish. Additionally, drone imagery is being explored to monitor other parts of the river.

As the project progresses and we deploy to more river sites, we aim to build one of the largest datasets of salmon in Canada. This will enable us to develop highly accurate machine learning models for automatic monitoring of these fish.


This article provided an overview of the SalmonVision project, covering everything from the hardware and software developed to monitor and count wild salmon migrating back to their natal streams. This solution is crucial for effectively managing and mitigating threats to salmon populations and will play a key role in engaging stakeholders in conservation efforts.